Anti-slip aerosol spray – touch dry in only 30 mins, completely dry in 2 hours!
- Ideal for light foot traffic – internal/external, ladder steps, floors, etc.
- Quick solution – touch dry in 30 mins, completely dry in 2 hours
- Estimated 6 months slip resistance
Creating an anti-slip surface couldn’t be easier with our Anti-Slip spray. Ideal for use on concrete, metal, ceramic and wood surfaces or properly prepared painted surfaces.
Unit Size: 500ml.
Application Temperature:Above 10oC
Drying times @ 20oC:To touch: 20 minutes
To handle: 60 minutes
To recoat: After 1 hour
Full hardness:7 days
Coverage:2.5m2 at 25µm dry
Please consult the technical data sheet for full technical product data.
Thorough preparation is essential. Remove all loose material – wire brushing is advisable. Sweep clean or vacuum. The surface must be free from grease, oil or contamination.
A gas torch will help to remove oil from the surface. If this is not practical, Polycote Degrease IT may be used to clean the area but this must be thoroughly rinsed off and the substrate dried, before applying Duragrip Anti-Slip Spray. The surface must be clean and dry during application.
Remove cover cap. Shake vigorously for at least one minute after the rattle of mixing balls are heard. Shake frequently during use. Hold can approximately 25cm from surface. Use back and forth motion keeping can parallel with surface. Ensure that can is in motion when spray button is pressed to avoid runs and sags. Apply several thin layers at a few minute intervals to achieve adequate coating thickness. After use, turn can upside down and press spray button for 2-3 seconds to clear valve.