Polycote contractors have installed flooring systems throughout the food production areas for well over 30 years. From bakeries to breweries, slaughtering to processing, we would like to assure you of our ability to supply and install the right flooring solution in any area within the food manufacturing environment. With a full range of mechanical equipment, from dust free vacuum assisted shotblasters and diamond grinders, to scabblers and tile removers, we are fully equipped for every eventuality.
As well as answering to the demands of food safety standards by way of chemical resistance and cleanliness, our floors have been professionally formulated to withstand punishing daily routines of constant foot fall, heavy machinery movements and on-going, aggressive cleaning routines.
Food production areas suffer from all sorts of issues, chemical attack from substances such as milk, sugar and salt, frequent temperature changes resulting in damp or humid conditions, oil and grease causing slip hazards as well as waste materials and by-product attack from manufacturing processes.
Polycote have an entire range of tough and durable floor coating and screed systems that will give you the chemical resistance and durability you need. With added hygiene protection, we cover every situation from smooth to slip resistant textures, preventing slips and falls on wet surfaces.
Polycote have laid thousands of square metres of flooring in food processing areas, and we know exactly what is needed to give you a hard wearing and long lasting solution!
Right from the first phone call, our experts will give quick and easy advice as to the correct preparation and the correct products to use. We establish exactly what your issues are along with the time allowed to complete any works. Only then will we advise on the best preparation (using dust free equipment), the best primer (we have coatings capable of adhesion to oily and contaminated surfaces as well as areas suffering from rising damp), right through to the best top coat or screed to meets your specific needs.
All the usual key words such as e-coli, bacteria free, non-toxic, non-taint, totally impervious, slip resistant and easy-to-clean are obviously very relevant. However, with the huge cost and aggravation of downtime, tough and long lasting are extremely important, and our coatings have been professionally formulated to withstand constant wear and tear from foot traffic, pallet trucks and forklifts in all types of food manufacturing and processing environments, including fast setting products for areas that are in use 24/7.
Remember, when painting floors in factory production and processing areas, the cost of the paint is mostly a minor part of the cost. Downtime and disruption to production lines is an extremely costly issue. So, no matter whether it is a new construction project with the floors being coated for the first time, just remember that you want to spend as much as is necessary to provide a floor suitable and strong enough for your needs and resistant enough to withstand the constant wear and tear exerted upon it.
If the area is new, you will not have the ‘shut down’ costs to contend with, but you certainly will after you are up and running, should you have the unfortunate experience of realising the original floor was a bad decision! Furthermore, and not that we wish to worry you, but please also consider that if this first paint/flooring system fails, you can’t just paint over the top!
You will have the agonies and mess of removing ALL that has been done so the new (and suitable) coating is applied directly onto the actual substrate. Certainly not onto the ‘failed finish’.
As we all know, as soon as a kitchen becomes operational, downtime is extremely limited and therefore the correct choice of flooring is vital. When downtime is unacceptable and speed is of the essence, we have an entire range of fast curing products that will have an area back up and running within only two hours. Polycote have a team of experts, well versed in the needs of the kitchen environment, and can advise on the right floor for you.
Should a refurbishment programme be necessary, Polycote’s bespoke range of non-toxic and non-taint resin systems can be applied in both wet and dry environments. No matter if the surface is poor, rough, or covered in oil and grease, we have a proven solution for you. The provision of a floor that is tough, durable, chemical resistant, slip resistant and easy to clean is obviously important. However, sufficient falls, adequate drainage and coving at floor/wall junctions all hugely contribute to the easy cleaning and maintenance of hygiene regulations.
We would like to give you the assurance that with over 155,000 food related companies on our database, our products are proven to not only meet but also surpass all currently known regulations and demands of the industry.
In the food processing and manufacturing industry the creation of dust from wearing floor surfaces is one of the major issues that every warehouse and storage facility has to contend with. Furthermore, these loose dust particles then act as a grinding ‘paste’ on the surface and thus only exacerbates the problem. If construction companies are to offer a long term solution to their customers, it is vital that they do not use ‘cheap and nasty’ floor sealers. These sealers then act as a barrier to any future coating, meaning that no matter how good or expensive it is, the subsequent coats are only as good as the adhesive qualities of the very first floor sealer or paint applied.
By preparing the floors correctly and priming with the correct primer, we can assure you that the longevity and performance of the top (wearing) coat will be massively increased. The difference is like chalk and cheese!
Both our Retail and Commercial customers are increasingly changing to the latest resin flooring solutions as architects and designers are favouring surfaces that are impervious and seamless.
If you are looking for an ultra-modern showroom, our highly decorative systems Decratex Flake and Decratex Quartz have an endless amount of colour co-ordinated options and effects (even glitter can be added for that extra sparkle) and these coatings will transform not only the floor itself but indeed the entire environment.
Company logos, designs and messages can also be cleverly incorporated within your new floor. We offer some of the latest technologically advanced coatings. Furthermore, our nationwide network of qualified and experienced installers will be quick to respond, technically aware, proactive and flexible.
We promise to beat any quote in the UK when quoting like for like.